728x90 Clair1 [Container] 이미지/컨테이너 취약점 분석툴, Security Scanner tool 런타임 분석 # Falco https://falco.org/ Falco Runtime Security falco.org 정적인 이미지 파일 분석 #1 Alcide https://www.alcide.io/ Kubernetes Security - Cyber Security Platform | Alcide Case study TakeAway.com Boosts its Food Delivery Platform with EKS and Alcide Security www.alcide.io #2 WhiteSource for Containers https://whitesource.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WD/pages/710640440/WhiteSource+for+Containers WhiteS.. 2021. 8. 27. 이전 1 다음 반응형